Montpelier is the plantation house of James Madison, the fourth President of the United States. Madison is known as the father of the Constitution and the architect of the Bill of Rights – kind of funny when you think he was the owner of 100 slaves. Madison's wife, Dolly, was the 1st First Lady in USA history.
A few years ago, the mansion was restored to its original size and style. At the same time, archeological digging revealed additional information about the African-American slaves' daily lives. Today, the mansion serves as an educational center and a museum. Besides visiting the house, there is an entire exhibition called "The mere distinction of color," telling the stories of the enslaved people of Montpelier and the history of slavery in the United States.
The visitors can also take a nice walk in the mansion's garden.

The House
The South Yard and "The mere distinction of color" exhibit
The Garden
The Visitors Center