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Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island is a well-known San Francisco attraction, famous for its historical significance and unique setting.

Ferry Ride to the Island

The journey starts with a ferry ride, offering great views of San Francisco Bay and the city. It's a short but enjoyable trip that sets the stage for the visit. You need to purchase a ticket for a specific timeslot to get to the island - but you can come back whenever you want, depending on the ferry's timetable. The ferry boarding is in Pier 33.

Exploring the Prison

Once on the island, the main draw is the former federal prison. The audio tour is highly recommended. It guides you through the cell blocks and shares stories about the inmates, including famous ones like Al Capone. The experience is intriguing and gives a real sense of the prison's history.

More Than Just Cells

Beyond the prison walls, Alcatraz has more to explore. There are gardens, remnants of military history, and spots perfect for photographing the city skyline and the Golden Gate Bridge. The gulls are a constant sight, contributing to the island's unique character.

Overall Impression

A trip to Alcatraz is a worthwhile experience for visitors to San Francisco. It combines historical context, impressive views, and a slightly eerie yet fascinating exploration of an infamous prison.

Remember to book your tickets in advance, as they often sell out quickly.

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