The Glazing Museum at Dor Beach is small and charming.
It is dedicated to the history of glass and the area's history.
The building was formerly used as a glass bottle factory for the wineries in Zichron Yaacov and Rishon Lezion. In the late 19th century, the place was closed and stood desolate for almost a century until it was restored and turned into a museum.
In the small and aesthetic rooms, you can find glassworks, marine archeological discoveries from the area, and short films. For 15 NIS, you can buy the children a booklet with which they move between the rooms. The booklet is suitable for children who read, and my partner's 11-year-old daughter did it with great pleasure.
I highly recommend going down to the stunning beach afterward. Now out of season, it is almost empty and great fun to hang out in it.
