A tour in Wadi Nisnas is a celebration of colors and flavors.

The wadi is full of small shops, bakeries, and homemade Arabian food. You can buy excellent falafel, fresh vegetables and olive oil with a wonderful taste.

I suggest wandering the narrow streets, going into the shops and enjoying the unique atmosphere. Here are some recommendations:
Khoury's Bakery has wonderful pastries with chard and hyssop and perfect date cookies.

Abu Shakra's butchery has excellent meat sandwiches

In the market, you will home-cooked food, find zucchini and eggplants that have already been emptied and prepared for filling, seasonal vegetables, and houseware.

Want dessert? You can find Coffee, amazing sugar-free halva, and date and carobs candy in Haifa Café.
In Ziad’s store next door, you will find excellent halva (with sugar ...) that he brings from Nablus (red box) and wonderful tahini from the same company from Nablus.
