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Dor HaBonim Beach Nature Reserve

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

This amazing strip of the beach can be divided into several parts - in the center, next to the parking lot, there is a declared, beautiful, wide beach.

But the real beauty of the beach is to be found south and north to the undeclared areas.

If you go north, there is a kind of amazing calm lagoon. If you continue and get out of the reserve, you will find the remains of the famous ship “Netz” (Elisheva) that drowned there in 1970. The sight of the shipwreck on the beautiful beach is impressive.

When you go south, you walk on the cliffs overlooking the amazing strip of beach. There are coves, caves, lagoons between the cliffs.

Among them, you will find a shell bay (this is what you will see instead of sand)

and the famous blue cave.

Along the way, you can also see the remains of another ship that sunk there many years ago.

You can climb the cliffs, go down to the beach and so on. The route is linear and marked with numbers along the way from 3 to 8. On the signs, there are phone numbers. These signs are designed to help those who are in danger and want to call for help.

The combination of cliffs, the beach, and the coves are mesmerizing.

The beaches to the north and the south are unauthorized, and bathing is your responsibility only.


📍You need to bring sandals/walking shoes - it is not advisable to walk on the cliffs with flip-flops.

📍At 8 pm, the reserve closes. From this hour, there is no entry and exit.

Enjoy 🤗

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