The impressive stone church was built on the grave of saint Lazarus – Elazar in Hebrew – who was the first Bishop of Kition (ancient Larnaka). Lazarus was a Jew from the town of Bethany near Jerusalem. According to the New Testament, Jesus raised him from the dead after he was buried for four days. He fled to Kition after the crucifixion of Jesus, where he lived 30 years until his second death at the age of 60.

The Byzantine emperor Leo VI built the church in the 9th century. It had three domes, which were demolished by the Turks or by an earthquake. No one knows. The bell tower was constructed in 1857.

The church's interior is gorgeous: A beautiful wall of wood icons covered in gold, a carved throne, and a carved altar.
There is also a way in to see Lazaru's crypt.

Opening hours:
Mars-October: 8:00 – 18:30 (Sunday: 6:30-12:30, 15:30-18:30)
November-February: 8:00-12:30, 14:30-17:30 (Sunday: 6:30-12:30, 15:30-17:30)
The entrance is free.